In addition to the wonderful tinted luster test batches
Double Helix had for the ISGB Gathering last month, there were its newest tinted opaques! I had a chance to play with them a bit and here are two beads made with OC472, TH473, OP470 on Opal Yellow and Pink.
The top bead also has some Reichenbach 96 pink (the small dots) and the row of dots on the right of the bead is Effetre 253 (it spreads and devits and is reactive on the OY, very cool).
I find that the OC472 is a lot like the old ASK Silver Cinnamon/Silver Rattan except that you can strike it to a shimmering dark brick color (see under the purple flowers in the bead below as well as the first bead on the left in the last picture). The TH473 is a bit like ASK Mediterranean Olive and it also reduces! OP 470 is a pretty lavender but upon reduction, it turns gray/tan so I usually erase some of the reducing effects with an oxidizing flame to bring back some of the purple.
What I love about these three colors is that unlike Effetre opaques, they do NOT spread so they are perfect for my Ornate Series beads!
In pairs, from left to right, OC472, TH473 and OP470, all reduced.